This guide explains how to install the Sulie SDK and its dependencies. The SDK provides a Python interface to interact with Sulie’s forecasting capabilities.

Prerequisite You should have installed Python (version 3.8 or higher).

SDK Installation

You can install the Sulie SDK using pip:

pip3 install sulie

For a specific version of the SDK, specify the version number:

pip3 install sulie==1.0.8


The Sulie SDK requires the following Python packages, which are automatically installed when you install the SDK:

  • requests: For making HTTP requests to the Sulie API.
  • pandas: For data manipulation and handling time series data.
  • pyarrow: For efficient data serialization and transfer.
  • tqdm: For progress tracking during data upload and processing.

Verifying Installation

You can verify your installation by importing the SDK in Python:

import sulie

This should print the version number of your installed SDK.


Here’s how to solve some common problems when working with the SDK.